How to Block Someone on Facebook Dating

Facebook Dating is a great way to meet new people and find potential partners. However, it is important to remember that not everyone you meet online is going to be a good match for you, especially if you are dealing with erectile dysfunction. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or if someone is harassing you about your erectile dysfunction, it is important to know how to block them. Blocking someone on Facebook Dating is easy and can help keep you safe. The first step in blocking someone on Facebook Dating is to open the app and go to the profile of the person you want to block. Once you are on their profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.

This will open a menu with several options. Select “Block” from this menu. Once you have selected “Block”, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your decision. Select “Block” again to confirm that you want to block this person. You will then be taken back to the profile page and the person will no longer be able to contact you. It is important to note that blocking someone on Facebook Dating does not delete them from your friends list or remove any of their posts from your timeline.

It simply prevents them from being able to contact you or view your profile. If you want to delete them from your friends list, you will need to do this separately. If you ever decide that you want to unblock someone on Facebook Dating, it is just as easy as blocking them. Simply go back to their profile page and select “Unblock” from the menu. This will allow them to contact you again and view your profile. Blocking someone on Facebook Dating can be a useful tool if you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or if someone is harassing you.

It is important to remember that blocking someone does not delete them from your friends list or remove any of their posts from your timeline, so if you want to delete them from your friends list, you will need to do this separately.

Zoe Martin
Zoe Martin

Wannabe food geek. Certified pop culture nerd. Avid bacon buff. Hardcore internet scholar. Subtly charming problem solver. Devoted zombie practitioner.

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